The Gods of the Lodge Page 4
5. Perfect Master Degree
The ceremonies of this Degree were originally established as a tribute to a worthy departed brother. The Master is Adoniram, the Inspector of the works. The symbolic color is green, to remind the Perfect Master that being dead in vice, he must hope to revive in virtue. His jewel is a compass extended sixty degrees, to teach him that he should act within measure and always pay due regard to justice and equity. Industry and honesty are the virtues taught here.
6. Intimate Secretary Degree
The background of this Degree refers to the twenty cities that king Solomon gave to Hiram, king of Tyre. King Hiram refused the gift because of their worthless character, and he renamed them Cabul. The lessons taught are zealousness and faithfulness, disinterestedness and benevolence in serving others, the duty of being a peacemaker among the brethren. Duty is the true magnetism which guides the Mason in the course of life.
7. Provost and Judge Degree
The history of this Degree relates that it was founded by king Solomon for strengthening order among the vast number of Craftsmen engaged in the construction of the Temple. The lesson is justice, equity in decisions of judgment, and in dealings with one’s fellowman. They teach that in rendering judgment in any issues of life, one must avoid personal considerations of interest, refuse bribes, and not be erroneously influenced by appeals for sympathy.
8. Intendant of the Building Degree
This Degree is sometimes called “Master in Israel.” The legend is that it was instituted to supply the place of the chief architect of the Temple. The important lesson is that none are entitled to advance in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite who have not by study and application made themselves familiar with Masonic learning and jurisprudence.
9. Elect of the Nine Degree
Here we have details of how certain traitors who, before the completion of the Temple, had engaged in an execrable deed, and received their punishment. The lessons are fidelity, obedience, and devotion are certain of reward; that bravery and patriotism are qualities of all Masons; and that the villain is certain to be punished.
10. Illustrious Elect of the Fifteen Degree
This is a continuation of the preceding degree. This is the conclusion of the punishment of the three traitors that had committed this terrible crime. The crime was the killing of Hiram Abif. While fanaticism in religion and politics are denounced in this Degree, toleration and liberality are encouraged. The lesson of the importance of education, instruction, and enlightenment as bulwarks against error, barbarism, and ignorance is taught.
11. Sublime Knights Elect of the Twelve Degree
After the three traitors were punished king Solomon chose to reward the zeal of the Illustrious Elect of Fifteen who had discovered the traitors, by electing twelve of the fifteen Sublime Knights, and made the selection by ballot by putting their names in an urn and drawing the names. The first twelve drawn he formed into a chapter and gave them command of the twelve tribes. Truth in all things is the lesson. Trust and honesty are instilled.
12. Grand Master Architect Degree
This Degree is strictly a scientific degree. In it the principles of architecture and the connection of liberal arts with Masonry are unfolded. The Mason is taught again to reflect upon the dignity of human nature, and the vast powers of the human soul. He is inculcated to develop these powers in his own life in the largest measure possible.
13. Knight of the Ninth Arch
Although this Degree is called “The Royal Arch of Solomon,” the legend behind it concerns Enoch. Masonic authorities differ as to whether it is historical or mythological. 19 It is one of the Ineffable Degrees and relates the events celebrated to the Ineffable Name. (“Ineffable” means unspeakable.) The legend refers to the methods by which Enoch was able to preserve certain important secrets to be afterwards communicated to the Craft, in spite of the flood and the lapse of time.
Masonic ritualism owes very much to the deductions of this Degree, and under various modifications, they are found in almost all the Rites. Masons contend that without this Degree, the symbolism of Freemasonry would have to be regarded as incomplete.
“It appears evident to all students of sacred history that the Ineffable Name of Deity, forbidden to be uttered by the Hebrews throughout their history, dates back to the earliest of times. Masons have proof of this.” 20
14. Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason Degree
This is the last degree of what is referred to as The Lodge of Perfection. This is called the ultimate degree of ancient Masonry and concludes all reference to the Temple. It is also the last degree that refers to the Ineffable Word.
This Degree relates the story of the dissemination of Freemasonry from King Solomon’s Temple. Its background historically is centere4 on the apostasy of Solomon and the destruction of the first Temple by the Chaldeans and the consequent captivity of the Jews in Babylon. They contend that when the Temple was completed, the Masons working on the Temple gained immortality. 21
“When the Temple was completed, the Masons who had been employed in its construction acquired immortal honor. Their Order became more uniformly established and more strictly regulated than it had been before. Their caution and reserve in admitting new members commanded respect, and merit alone was requisite for membership. Governed by these principles, many of the Grand Elect left the Temple after its dedication and dispersed themselves among the nations of the world.”
Centuries later when Jerusalem was occupied by the enemies of the Jews and Christianity, the Masons joined with the princes of Christendom and fought the infidels. The valor and fidelity of these Knights of Masonry gained respect of the world. Thus, they contend, Masonry became popular and honorable among the great men of the world where it has remained in the world until today.
15. Knight of the East or the Sword Degree
The legend and ceremonies of this Degree are centered on the construction of the second Temple. It is founded upon the assistance rendered by Cyrus, King of Persia, to the Jews that were in captivity, in rebuilding the Temple. Thus the Knights of the East derive their origin from the Babylonian captivity, seventy years of captivity and servitude, the notable recognition of the work on the second Temple, and in rehabilitation of Jerusalem under King Zerubbabel and Nehemiah. The lessons of this Degree are Fidelity of obligation, and Constancy and Perseverance under difficulties and discouragement.
16. Prince of Jerusalem Degree
The legend of this Degree is based upon the opposition of the Samaritans and other neighboring nations to the erection of the second Temple. The Jews in response to this opposition sent an embassy to Darius, King of Persia, to acquire his favor and protection, which was obtained. The lessons of the Degree relate to the building of the Temple of true character, and to the erection of the Temple of righteousness in the world through Love, Peace, Charity and Toleration.
17. Knight of the East and West Degree
This is the first of the philosophic Degrees of the Scottish Rite.
“It is the beginning of a course of instruction which is capable of fully unveiling the heart and inner mysteries of Freemasonry. Truth, throughout all time, has been hidden under symbols, and often beneath a succession of allegories, and one’s search for Truth and Divine Light must be persistent and neverending.” 22
The legend relates to the Crusades; and has a close relation to Templar Masonry. The Knights of the East represent the Masons who remained in the East after the building of the first Temple, while the Knights of the East and West represented those who traveled West and dispersed the Order over Europe, but who returned during the Crusades, and united with their ancient brethren.
18. Prince, or Knight Rose Croix Degree
This Degree is found in numerous Masonic Rites other than the Scottish. It is known by various names, such as Sovereign Princes of Rose Croix; Princes of Rose Croix de Heroden; and Knights of the Eagle and Pelican. 23 The name “Rose Croix” is derived from the emblems of the
Rose and Cross. There is no question of its Christian design and character, even though it is in Scottish Rite rather than in Knights Templar.
Its Rites and Ceremonies present a Third Temple, a spiritual one. This the Masonic authorities contend is the ultimate goal of Freemasonry.
“The Wisdom, Strength, Beauty which supported the ancient Temple are replaced by the Christian pillars of Faith, Hope, and Charity; the great Lights remain, for they are not only the essence of Freemasonry, but also fundamentals in their symbolic truths and in the realities of some in the building of character; the three lesser lights give way to thirty-three, which to most interpreters represents the thirty-three years of the Messiah’s sojourn on earth.” 24
The teachings of this Degree relate to the “dogma” of the “Master of Nazareth,” its universal system of truth, and how it is adopted to the Masonic dogma of Toleration. Religious tolerance is the theme and tolerating Christianity is the teaching.
19. Grand Pontiff Degree
This Degree is by far the most controversial of all the Degrees of the Order as it applies to the Christian believer. This writer will first summarize an explanation as offered by the Masonic authorities that publish the official “Masonic Bible.” This Bible is a regular King James Version and carries Masonic teachings, history and definitions. This Bible is the primary source used in the explanations of the Order by this writer. The information is supplied by C.R. Stauffacher and Charles P. Roney. Both men are Masons and Doctors of Divinity in the Christian faith.
“This Degree is occupied in an examination of the Apocalyptic mysteries of the New Jerusalem, as set forth in the Revelation of John the Evangelist. Its officers are a Thrice Puissant, seated in the East on a throne canopied with blue, wearing a white satin robe; and one Warden, seated in the West, and holding a staff of gold. The members are clothed in white, with blue fillets embroidered with twelve stars of gold, and are called True and Faithful Brothers. The decorations of the Lodge are blue, sprinkled with gold stars. The lessons of the Degree are sublime, clearly teaching that a true Mason must labor for the benefit of those who come after him, that he should strive to leave something more substantial and eternal when he departs this life than the fading memories of a transient sojourner, and that he should produce some living stones which will have a place in the New Jerusalem of the future life.” 25
The Freemasonry Encyclopaedia goes further and explains the “real” meaning of the rite and ceremony of the Degree.
“Amidst darkness and isolation thereafter the officers of the Chapter proclaim the dominion of the beast, the opening of the seven vials of REVELATION and the fall of Babylon. But it is the city of intolerance which has passed, the city of fraud and falsehood. So also when the Candidate is brought into light and is shown the four-square city coming down out of Heaven, when he hears of the new Heaven and the new earth, the apocalyptic account is reduced so that the city appears to be one of simple theism, governed by principles of good-will, while He Who sits upon the throne, though He is called the Lord God Almighty and Redeemer, is not the Christ of St. John.
“The Candidate is anointed with oil, is made and proclaimed a priest for ever according to the Order of Melchizedek, but the equivalent of this title in the nameless banality of the scheme is Scottish Mason. The New Jerusalem is interpreted as Ancient Masonry.” 26
To the Christian the Masonic meaning is offensive for more reasons other than just the fact that it is expressly anti-Christ. It changes the Scriptures. The New Jerusalem is not governed by “good-will,” and is not “Ancient Masonry.” The Holy City, New Jerusalem, is a heavenly city governed by Jesus Christ, and not “good-will.” 27
“And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.” 28
Yes, and the Lamb, Jesus Christ, is the light of the New Jerusalem. Not Ancient Masonry! It is inconceivable that a Christian, regardless of denomination, could partake of this doctrine, and feel honored that he is a Mason of high degree.
The next problem the Christian should be offended by is the anointing of the Candidate as a priest “of the Order of Melchizedek.” Who is the only priest of the order of Melchizedek? The New Testament says that Jesus Christ was and is such a priest.
“For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, a tribe with reference to which Moses spoke nothing concerning priests.
“And this is clearer still, if another priest arises according to the likeness of Melchizedek,
“who has become such not on the basis of a law of physical requirement, but according to the power of an indestructible life.
“For it is witnessed of Him [this means Jesus—not a Mason], ‘Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.’” 29
Yet, we have Christians of high rank within their church and community anointing mere men as equal to Jesus Christ. This truly is blasphemy!
Lastly, and certainly not least, Freemasonry and its Christian partakers are in serious danger of falling victim to the last warning of the holy Scriptures:
“I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book; if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.” 30
20. Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges Degree
This Degree promotes the blend of philosophy and religion. The historical theme used is the dispersion of the Freemasons after the destruction of the third Temple by Titus. The Masons contend that their brothers left the holy land determined to build a fourth Temple. They dispersed throughout Europe with the greatest number going to Kilwinning, Scotland, where they established a Lodge, built an Abbey and deposited the records of the Order there.
Emphasis is placed upon the true Mason as a philosopher, both practical and religious, who under religious emblems and moral principles, seeks to build his own life according to his glorious heritage (Masonic heritage).
21. Noachite, or Prussian Knight Degree
This Degree stands alone in Masonry. It is based solely upon the destruction of the tower of Babel, and contends that the whole earth was peopled as a result of the dispersion at Babel. The Prussian Knights called themselves Noachites, or the disciples of Noah, while they designate other Masons as Hiramites, or disciples of Hiram Abif.
In this Degree they contend that a man named Peleg is the founder of this Degree by virtue of his position as the Grand Architect of the Tower of Babel. He is said to have traveled to Prussia during the dispersion where he died. In A.D. 553 his tombstone was found with this inscription: “Here rests the ashes of Peleg, our Grand Architect of the Tower of Babel. The Almighty had pity on him because he became humble.” Thus, the charge of this Degree is that Masons are to be modest and humble, and that they should never place self above Deity or claim greater wisdom than him.
22. Knight of the Royal Ax Degree
This Degree honors “work” and in particular, manual labor. The legend honors and glorifies the cutting of the cedars of Lebanon, or Libanus. This Degree is sometimes called the “Prince of Libanus.” According to Masonic historians the Sidonians were employed to cut the cedars on Mt. Lebanon for Noah’s Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, Solomon’s Temple and Zerubbabel’s Temple. They formed colleges on Mt. Lebanon, and during Solomon’s days they became affiliates of the Masonic Order in Tyre and Jerusalem. It is believed by the Masons that these Sidonians belonged to the Druses, that secret sect of Theists who still reside on Mt. Lebanon and whose mysterious ceremonies still attract Eastern travelers.
The assemblies of Knights of the Royal Ax are called Colleges. The aprons worn by its members have a “three-headed serpent.” This emblem will be discussed in a later chapter.
23. Chief of the Tabernacle Degree
This Degree commemorates the institution of the order of the priesthood in
Aaron and his sons, Eleazar and Ithamar. The Lodge is called a “Hierarchy” or a “Court.” Its members are called “Levites.” Masons base this Degree on the mysteries of the ancient Hebrews that were known only to the initiates. The goal is increased powers and proficiency for serving humanity.
24. Prince of the Tabernacle Degree
This Degree concerns the mysteries of the tabernacle at Sinai, commonly called the Mosaic tabernacle. Its three principals are Moses, Aaron and Ithamar. This is another degree that teaches through symbols the truths of religion, morals and practical living.
25. Knight of the Brazen Serpent Degree
The history of this Degree is centered on the serpents that God sent among the people of Israel in the wilderness as punishment for rebellion as recorded in Numbers 21:4-9:
““Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he shall live.’
“And Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived.”