The Gods of the Lodge Read online

  The Gods of the Lodge


  Reginald Haupt, Jr.

  Table of Contents

  Foreword by Texe Marrs: Masonic Hoodwink—Deceiving and Being Deceived


  Chapter 1: Divine Wisdom

  Chapter 2: Osiris

  Chapter 3: The East

  Chapter 4: The Structure of Freemasonry and Its Degrees

  Chapter 5: The Masonic Initiation

  Chapter 6: The Symbolism of Freemasonry

  Chapter 7: The Master Builder

  Chapter 8: The Instituted Mysteries

  Chapter 9: Masonry as Philosophy

  Chapter 10: Masonry as a Religion

  Chapter 11: What Kind of Religion is Masonry?

  Chapter 12: Its Compatibility With Christianity

  Chapter 13: Toleration?

  Chapter 14: The Future of Freemasonry?

  Chapter 15: Masonic Mystery—Religion’s Influence on American Culture and the Church

  Chapter 16: Conclusion

  Chapter 17: Glossary

  Chapter 18: Bibliography


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  Foreword by Texe Marrs

  Masonic Hoodwink—Deceiving and Being Deceived

  “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived...” (II Timothy 3:12)

  This book may be one of the most important you will ever read. That is especially the case if you or a loved one is a Freemason. The information in The Gods of the Lodge could be the key to a Mason’s understanding why renouncing and leaving the Lodge is so vital and necessary.

  As Reginald Haupt, Jr. so ably documents, the Masonic Lodge is anything but a Christian institution. After over three decades of determined study of Freemasonry, its rituals and ceremonies, and its purpose and goals, I can affirm that what Mr. Haupt reports in these pages is both reliable and true. The fact is the Masonic Lodge is a Luciferian cult and a vehicle being used by dark forces to create chaos, confusion, and tragedy in America and throughout the world.

  Through study and knowledge of what goes on in the Lodge, many good men have, come to the same conclusion as have Reginald Haupt and Texe Marrs. John Quincy Adams, our nation’s sixth president, a leader respected and admired for his integrity and intellect, was one who keenly studied this evil institution. In revealing letters to friends and to other wise leaders, he warned that, “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong—essentially wrong—a seed of evil which can never produce any good.” (Letters on Freemasonry, available from RiverCrest Publishing, phone 1-800-234-9673)

  Many Christian churches and denominations have issued proclamations denouncing Freemasonry as an anti-Christian group or cult. Entire governments have done so. The history of the Lodge is sordid, with allegations of its members or the fraternity itself being involved in the most nefarious of revolutionary activities. Its role in the bloody French Revolution and in Bolshevik Communist genocidal crimes has been reported. Of course, the Lodge denies such unlawful activities, but I believe that the preponderance of evidence leads otherwise.

  It is not only its political perversions that make the Lodge a formidable foe of truth and virtue. The Lodge’s religious philosophy and dogma, as set forth in its most revered textbooks by 33rd degree Masons Rex Hutchens, Albert Pike, Manly P. Hall, and others, demonstrate that Freemasonry is occultic in nature and detrimental to Christianity.

  Reginald Haupt, Jr. focuses on the religious nature of the Lodge and proves, by its own teachings and doctrines, that Freemasonry is a pagan cult whose roots are traced all the way back to ancient Babylon and Egypt. The “gods” of Freemasonry are the same as those worshipped by the pharaohs and by Nimrod in Babylon.

  Sad is the fact that the United States reportedly has some three million men who identify themselves as Masons, which proves that, just as the Apostle Paul prophesied in his letter to Timothy, in the last days men will go about, “deceiving and being deceived.”

  As I express in my exposé book, Codex Magica, the Lodge’s top authorities have even admitted that it purposely “hoodwinks” (deceives) its lower-level membership. Thirty-third degree Mason author Lynn Perkins writes:

  “The true wisdom is concealed and hidden, not only from those who do not join the Masonic Order, but also from those who take the degrees.”

  Manly P. Hall, 33°, asserts: “Masonry, like all the (ancient) Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the...elect.”

  Hoodwinked! Pity the foolish man who becomes a Mason. In the first degree ceremony, he is blindfolded and a cable tow hung around his neck. This symbolism aptly informs him that he is ignorant of the true meaning of Freemasonry and will only be informed if and when he “progresses” up the ritual chain.

  Thankfully, you, the reader, and lower-level Masonic initiates alike need not suffer the horrors of being hoodwinked by the Masonic Craft that intentionally misleads men. Simply read this book, The Gods of the Lodge and have the blindfold ripped away from your eyes. Yes, let the light of truth enter in and discover what the Masonic Order is so desperately seeking to keep hidden.

  —Texe Marrs

  Texe Marrs is author of over 40 books, including the #1 bestseller, Dark Secrets of the New Age, and Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati. A retired career U.S. Air Force officer, he has taught at the University of Texas at Austin and three other universities.


  This work will be considered by most to be extremely controversial and divisive among Christians. It will be considered fanatical and shoved aside as just another smear at the Masons. However, it was not written to condemn anyone, especially the individual Mason. I have many close friends that are loyal Masons and I trust that they will understand that what God’s Holy Spirit leads me to do, I must do. If my research is wrong, then my conclusions are equally wrong. I truly hope that there is some other Masonic literature and authority that will contradict the New Freemasonry Encyclopaedia and will lend support to other conclusions than I have authored.

  I began this work when a pastor called me one day and asked me if I knew anything about Masonry. I replied that I did not, other than seeing a television evangelist reveal certain secret oaths that he believed that Christians should not take. The pastor asked me to look into the subject so that he could advise some members of his church. I agreed to do this and I advised that I would be back to him in a couple of weeks.

  I thought that a trip to the local public library would be sufficient. I was mistaken. After six months of research that took me as far as the Library of Congress, I concluded that very little has been written on the history of Masonry and its hidden and symbolic meaning. That which has been written has been by Masons. Consequently, this work is based on their interpretations of the Rites and Ceremonies in Masonry.

  The reader is also asked to take into consideration that much of the ceremonies and secret words and pageants are not available to the public or the libraries. However, there is enough concerning certain degrees and symbols for the average Christian reader to form their own thoughts concerning Masonry. Whether or not they agree with mine is unimportant, because some of this material is open to self-interpretation. What is important, however, is that the reader is exposed to the meaning of Masonry, its history, its origin, its signs and its symbolism. Then the reader can form his own opinion of the most powerful organization in his community and in this country.

  Please remember that this work is done in love and without condemnation. I am certainly one that should throw no stones. I have simply been obedient to what God has led
me to do. The rest is in His hands. Let Him have His way with you!

  Chapter 1: Divine Wisdom

  There is a storm brewing in the Church of Jesus that will tear down the very structure of the leadership of major denominations. That storm is the highly regarded philosophy that a Christian can seek divine wisdom outside of Jesus Christ and receive it! This philosophy is taught and shared in by the leaders of this country as well as the leaders of the Church. To reveal and to expose this false doctrine will divide many church fellowships, but it will reveal the truth and set millions free. The Church must seek holiness and the blemishes must be cleansed.

  When the serpent approached Eve concerning the forbidden tree of knowledge he said:

  “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good from evil.

  “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat” (Genesis 3:5-6).

  What Satan offered Eve was “divine wisdom.” He offered her something that he could not give, and she sought something that she could not have. Out of all the fruit in the Garden of Eden only the fruit from the tree of knowledge was forbidden. Why? Because only God has divine wisdom. They could partake of the tree of life and the fruits of the paradise God made for His own. But never were they allowed to partake of or seek divine wisdom. The serpent had lied! He could not give anyone divine wisdom. That is and has been his quest since his fall.

  Today the serpent is still offering this lie. The largest single organization in the western world, numbering more than 10 million, has as its sole aim and written intention the quest for “divine wisdom.” A leading authority on this institution, W.L. Wilmshurst, 1 writes:

  “...if [a candidate] really desirous of learning the secrets and mysteries of his own being, he must be prepared to divest himself of all past preconceptions and thought-habits and, with childlike meekness and docility, surrender his mind to the reception of some perhaps novel and unexpected truths which Initiation promises to impart and which will more and more unfold and justify themselves within those, and those only, who are, and continue to keep themselves, properly prepared for them. ‘Know thyself!’ was the injunction inscribed over the portals of the ancient temples of Initiation, for with that knowledge was promised the knowledge of all secrets and all mysteries. And Masonry was designed to teach self-knowledge.

  “...The full Master-Mason—the just man made perfect who has actually and not merely ceremonially traveled the entire path, endured all its tests and ordeals, and become raised into conscious union with the Author and Giver of Life and able to mediate and impart that life to others—is at all times hard to find.

  “...Nevertheless to point to that attainment as possible to us and as our destiny, to indicate that path of self-perfecting to those who care and dare to follow it, modern Speculative Masonry was instituted.”

  Mr. Wilmshurst was a noted scholar and a historian of Freemasonry with many works available in any public library. He is a recognized authority on the subject and was until the time of his death in 1939 a Mason’s Mason. The quotation above was taken from his book The Meaning of Masonry.

  On “divine wisdom” Wilmshurst asserted:

  “Now the Hebrew word for Hiram means ‘Guru,’ teacher of ‘Supreme Knowledge,’ divine light and wisdom, and the liberty that comes therewith. But this knowledge is only for the perfected man. It is that knowledge that Hiram said was known ‘to but three in the world,’ i.e., known only in the counsels of the Divine Trinity, but it is knowledge that with patience and perseverance every Mason, every child of the Creator, ‘may in due time become entitled to a participation in.’” 2

  The Hiram to which he refers to as quoting was not King Hiram of Tyre, but a man named Hiram, a widow’s son that was sent to Solomon to help in building the Temple. He is referred to in 2 Chronicles 3:13-14 and in 1 Kings 7. He was a skilled craftsman and was given the name Hiram Abif by the Masonic historians. He was given credit with being the “Master Architect” and one of the three most exalted men in Masonic allegory. 3 It is taught in Masonry that he was assassinated, buried and rose again. 4 It is admitted in the New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry that the prominence attached to this man is purely Masonic legend only with no historical evidence. 5 Yet this mere Temple worker is credited with the doctrine that everyone has the ability to obtain “divine knowledge.” He is revered in every Masonic Lodge in the world as the “Master Builder” and his life and resurrection is taught to every initiate in Masonry. 6

  Wilmshurst spoke of Hiram as the source of enlightened wisdom:

  “The tragedy of Hiram Abif, then, is not the record of any vulgar, brutal murder of an individual man. It is a parable of cosmic and universal loss; an allegory of the breakdown of a divine scheme. We are dealing with no calamity that occurred during the erection of a building in an eastern city, but a moral disaster to universal humanity. Hiram is slain; in other words, the faculty of enlightened wisdom has been cut off from us. Owing to that disaster mankind is here today in this world of imperfect knowledge, of limited faculties, of chequered happiness, of perpetual toil, of death and frequent bitterness and pain.” 7


  “The absence of a clear and guiding principle in the world’s life reminds us of the utter confusion into which the absence of that Supreme Wisdom, which is personified as Hiram, has thrown us all, and causes every reflective mind to attribute to some fatal catastrophe his [Hiram] mysterious disappearance. We all long for that light and wisdom which have become lost to us.” 8

  This doctrine is being taught by the elders, deacons and Sunday School teachers of every major denomination in the world where Masonry thrives. But what was just revealed to you is only the tip of the iceberg. In the following sections this author will discuss many aspects of Masonry that make it incompatible with Christianity. In fact, it will be proven to the reader that Masonry is more aligned with Satan worship and is the greatest threat to the Church today. At no point will the author use material prepared by any scholar or historian that is not pro-Mason. The entire research material cited herein can be found in any public library in America. It is urged that the reader should be provoked to check every quote and every authority cited. Take nothing for granted, because when you come against the Masons you must come with the unquestionable truth in black and white and with their own books!

  Chapter 2: Osiris

  In Egyptian mythology, the ruler of the underworld and judge of the dead was OSIRIS. 1 He was a culture hero and credited with establishing religion. His father was Geb (Earth) and his mother was Nut (Sky). He married his sister, Isis, and they had a son named Horus. His brother, Set, murdered him and cut him into 14 pieces and distributed them in various places throughout Egypt.

  Isis gathered all the pieces and reassembled the body and endowed it with life. Osiris then became ruler of the underworld and judge of the dead. A temple to Osiris was built at each spot where one of the pieces of his body was found. As presiding judge of the underworld court passing sentence on the dead, he has a hawk’s head. 2 Below is an illustration of Osiris as it appears in the New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry. 3

  What does Osiris have to do with Masonry? Rather than this author expressing an opinion of this vital and shocking issue, I would rather the reader decide for himself.

  The rites and ceremonies of Mason Grades and Degrees reflect its doctrines and teachings. 4 Masonry Initiation of its candidates is based primarily on the ancient mysteries of Egypt, and Egyptian mythology. 5 It is expressly stated within their own encyclopaedia:

  “As to old Egyptian Mysteries, the mouths of official, authorised Egyptologists seem not only closed but sealed: they open only in the vast region of funerary texts, regarding the BOOK OF THE DEAD and all the cognate records as representing the Rites and Ceremonies devel
oped at various periods out of the eschatological doctrine of ancient Egypt. They are highly important from this point of view and indicate to me as a mystic that the shadowed lights at least of the soul’s eternal union with God were manifested in no uncertain manner at Heliopolis and Memphis in ‘the early dawn and dusk of time.’ But the travels and initiations of the soul after death, according to a hypothesis of mythology, are one thing, while the initiation and advancement of the candidate on this side of the world are another and very different. It comes about also that where the voice of scholarship is silent, it is unbecoming and ridiculous for those who are still in the classes to hazard a single word. I forbear therefore to enlarge, as many have done before me, on the analogies between the Hiramic Legend in Masonry and the Egyptian Legend of Osiris. It is familiar and exceedingly shallow, for reasons which can be specified only in vague terms, namely, that, at least within the field of the Craft Degrees, the analogy—such as it is—subsists between Osiris and the Candidate who is ultimately raised to life.” 6

  The Mason’s encyclopaedia goes further and says:

  “There is no question that the Myth of Osiris covers the whole story of mystical life and is presented in the Funerary Ritual as the soul’s own story. There is no more eloquent valediction to the departing soul than that which says: Thou hast gone living to Osiris. The promise of life is in Osiris. The great doctrine, the great revelation of all the true Mysteries is that Osiris lives: but he is known by other names. We also as Masons look forward to union of the departed with Osiris, as we believe in the resurrection of Hiram... To be united with Him for ever.” 7